Mazza Oshkosh is an inhabitant of the Backrooms and has lived there for a long time, having set up a marketplace for people who appear there. In lieu of money they accept favors in exchange for goods.
Their voice is different from what one would expect them to sound like and they seem to be able to influence people once they make a deal with them, a sort of way to guarantee that the favor is actually done.
They either refuse to leave the Backrooms or can’t, that’s up to interpretation. As is a lot of things but that’s the general idea behind them. They generally use they/them pronouns and are nonbinary.
Mazza Oshkosh first appeared in the Jenny Everywhere Day ’24 story Jenny: Out of the Backrooms by me.
- The name comes from Bob Mazza, owner of the HobbyTown USA location where the original Backrooms photo comes from. Said location is located in Oshkosh, Wisconsin which is where their last name comes from.
- Image was drawn by igioogo for a commission for Sasha Henriksen and as commercial rights was included was released into the public domain.